A vodka reserve aged inside America’s most haunted houses.

Introducing America’s Most Haunted Spirit.

For Brooklyn-based Vodka company Harridan, we created the Paranormal Reserve. An extremely limited batch of their premium vodka that had been aged inside three of America’s most haunted houses — The Conjuring House, the Villisca Axe Murder House, and the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum.

The Paranormal Reserve was sold out on the same day it launched, and was seen by over 21 million people, impressive for a start-up brand with less than 2,000 followers.

Vodka Brand Releases Bottles ‘Aged’ Inside America’s Most Haunted Places

Selected Press
Z100 / Takeout / Comicbook / Mashed / UrbanDaddy / Men’s Gear / Bloody Disgusting / Yahoo

Impressions: 4,8 million
Earned Media: $8.3 million
Return on Investment: 1,037%
Concept to Creation: $8K
Coverage on 100+ news sites.
Sold out in 11 hours
Sustained Coverage for 10 days

Creative Credits:

Jacobi Mehringer
Cory Mickle

My Role:
Concept + Film